A Blasting August with Blaugust

Lucia Nazzaro
Lucia Nazzaro
Lead Frontend Developer

New to blogging? Veteran of long time content creation? Looking for inspiration on what to write, vlog or stream about? Blaugust has something for you no matter what!

As of now, I've only written a few posts here and there (taking quite some time to rewrite them into something presentable) and I find myself struggling with some consistency in publishing the things I learn about.

Work, sometimes, gets the best of me and well, life is there too! 😱😆 This is not my first attempt at working on my own website and try to collect a nice bunch of material to showcase when I apply to new workplaces, but it's possibly the latest best effort that brought a lot of joy into my life and redeemed a lot of love that I have for my own profession, which before anything has been my favourite hobby ever since I was 10. 🥰

When working on something that is only for me and not for anyone else, events like Blaugust speak to me as a great incentive into pushing myself and try to create something-anything, even when the day seems a bit too short for anything productive.

So, what is Blaugust exactly?

Without any attempt to write it better than the creator of the event

Blaugust is a month-long event that takes place in August each year that focused on blogging and other serialized content. The goal is to stoke the fires of creativity and allow bloggers and other content creators to mingle in a shared community while pushing each other to post more regularly.
Blaugust 2023 is coming by Belghast

And the beautiful sharing community is something you don't want to miss out! So far I have had such a great time on Discord chatting with a lot of people and seeing what is everyone up to. 😎

I really invite anyone even-so-remotely-interested in joining this event and read more about Blaugust from the original post. You even get an achievement by reading the manual, yay xD

Shoutout to Juhis 🎉

It's thanks to Juhis (Juha-Matti Santala, hamatti.org) that I find myself in this amazing community!

Juhis has always been involved in a lot of amazing activities and this is one of the greatest ones I'm also trying to be part of! Ever since I met him in our previous common workplace, Juhis has always been a great inspiration as a developer, community manager, event organizer, workshop host and speaker! When I grow up I wanna be like Juhis (even if I'm older, technical details 😆) A lot of the things I have confidence in doing today are thanks to him, and I'm glad I can always learn from this amazing person! Thank you so much! 🌻

Oh, and don't forget to check Juhis' article about Blaugust!

Get to know more about this year's participants!

One of the kindest souls in the community, Magi, recently published an appreciation blog post about all the participants of this year's Blaugust. Their post is incredibly heartwarming and I appreciate a lot the kind words they've addressed toward my Notion blogpost! 😍

The goal

While I don't believe I have it in me to create 31 posts in 31 days (and I'd already be long behind by now 😱), I'm giving myself an approachable deadline of at least one post per week and have four new posts in this site by the end of August. Seems reasonable and should combine pretty well with my work! I'll also figure out how many achievements I've gotten from the challenge once the month is out!

My biggest learning so far

Although the event just started, I've already discovered something interesting about myself!

For some reason, I've never thought about browsing posts about my favourite videogames, and amazingly enough, it was really refreshing to read more about Path of Exile instead of simply watching YouTube videos as I'd always do. I see that a lot of amazing content goes under the radar when I limit myself to only one input approach and it reminds me that there's far more than mindless Instagram scrolling that I could do to spend my time!

And it's kinda weird, I am okay both reading and watching videos about development, but for some reason I've never thought that reading about video games was also a possibility! LOL. 🤯

So far so good!

Although I might not have written or rewritten-and-published as many articles as I was hoping to during this week, I've managed to come up with a somewhat okay dark theme for this website! I've felt so accomplished as it was something I had in my backlog for a long long time! ✨ It also put me against some small challenges with Disqus embeds, for which I'm going soon to write an article about — thinking of sharing it also on dev.to to contribute to its amazing community :D Yay, me!

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